East Peak on Mt. Tamalpais, for the Anna Halprin Planetary Dance, 2017.

About Pauline

Hi! I’m Pauline, and I use she/her pronouns.

After years of sitting in front of a computer and operating primarily from my head, I realized how disconnected I was from my body and my heart. I left my career in software development and embarked on a journey to awaken my inner wisdom, trying almost every method available for embodiment. However, I wasn't quite prepared to feel so much. Yes, I had profound moments of pleasure, bliss, and peace, but I also opened to physical discomfort and psychological unrest that I didn't have the tools to work with. Overwhelmed, I withdrew from the world and turned to isolating habits seeking comfort and protection.

It was only when I heard Dr. Stephen Porges talk about the vagus nerve and Polyvagal Theory that everything started to make sense. 

I understood why my default behavior was to withdraw in an attempt for protection, and why this only made my nervous system more dysregulated. I understood that my body was doing exactly what it was wired for—keeping me safe—with biology that had evolved around actual predators, small tribal communities, and lots of open space to move. Not aggressive drivers, countless hours at a desk, and texting as the main form of communication.

I made it my mission to learn to care for my body in ways that would benefit my nervous system, healing the subconscious feedback loop of threat and establishing a lower stress baseline so I could connect with my innate healing wisdom and the wisdom and care of the community around me.

Wanting to share this healing wisdom with others, I curate custom programs for organizations, teams, individuals, and couples longing for greater coherence amidst modern disconnect. I am dedicated to helping create a world where people can feel at home in their bodies, connect deeply with themselves and each other, and explore new ways of living from their hearts.

I am a Certified Neurological Fitness™ Trainer, Life Coach, Alchemical Chocolate™ Practitioner, and Shamanic Practitioner.
